World No Tobacco Day 2020!

World No Tobacco Day is recognised every 31st May with a new theme each year.

The annual celebration which was created in 1987 by the World Health Organisation (WHO), aims to inform the public on the dangers of smoking and current surrounding topics.

This year's theme is

Tobacco and related industry tactics to attract younger generations

World No Tobacco Day 2020

This year's theme aims to debunk myths, expose tactics used by the tobacco industry to attract younger people, provide younger people with knowledge to detect manipulation by the industry and provide tools to help younger people stand up to the tobacco industry.

As quoted from this article on the WHO website “There are 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide. That number would be even larger if tobacco didn’t kill half of its users. Every four seconds, tobacco takes another life”.

The tobacco industry is responsible for 25% of all cancer deaths annually.

The tobacco industry is becoming creative, working to manipulate younger generations with smokeless tobacco including shisha and e-cigarettes. Tobacco products and free samples are given away at popular events for young people. In a worrying trend to drive users back towards long term nicotine addiction these products are often promoted as reduced risk, smoke free or more socially acceptable. These tactics are particularly effective in targeting children and adolescents particularly in combination with child friendly images, cartoons and by using sweet flavors etc.

Among the key messages in this article from WHO

  • Children and adolescents who use e-cigarettes at least double their chance of smoking cigarettes later in life.
  • Shisha smoke is toxic. It contains substances that cause cancer.

We encourage everyone to become educated, and help to to spread awareness and create a tobacco-free generation.

Tobacco smoking in Australia

In Australia smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disability. In 2015 alone 21,000 Australian deaths were attributed to tobacco use.

Australian governments are all working together with the aim of reducing tobacco use to 10% by 2025. Evidence has shown that tobacco control measures are effective in helping reduce smoking rates. This article explains the tobacco control measures in place.

Smokers and tobacco users are known to be more vulnerable to COVID-19.

Find support

If you are thinking of quitting smoking, World No Tobacco Day is a good time to start putting some strategies in place to help make it happen.

A range of supports exist which can help you to regain control.

Quit Buddy App. We often suggest to some of our quit smoking clients that they check out Quit Buddy. It's a free Australian Government App, so no annoying adverts pop up. It can be helpful to track the growing benefits as your days as a non smoker add up, and also provides tips and tricks to help along the way. The App has some games, fun facts and reminders to help make the process of quitting a bit more fun and more manageable.

Talk to your supporters. Let friends and family members know that you would like to quit and ask for their support, whether they are smokers or not. With them on your side your chances of quitting are increased.

Alternatives to smoking. Think about what you are going to do in the times that you used to smoke. You are going to have time on your hands. Put some plans in place before you quit, so that when the thought of a cigarette hits (and it will), you are prepared in advance. Some common alternatives our clients come up with are things like going for a walk or stretching, tidying something up, deep breathing, get some fresh air outside or talking to a friend.

Hypnotherapy of course is our top suggestion if you are looking for some additional support to quit the habit quickly. For some more information on how we help people just like you to quit you might like to read this here.

Wendy Gadsby has helped hundreds of people to quit smoking using hypnotherapy over the past eight years. If you would like to quit as well, you could be next.

E-Book with more tips – If you would like a FREE helpful e-book with some more information on Why it is So Difficult Quit Smoking and some More Tips to Help you to Quit, just send us a note here and ask for the free e-book in the and we will send it over to you.

To chat about whether now could be the right time for you to quit with hypnotherapy, or to have any questions answered, give us a call on 1800 760 249, or use this form here and we will get back to you for a chat about it soon.

If you have decided you'd like to quit smoking and whatever method you decide to use we wish you all the very best with it. Use World No Tobacco Day to help you get moving in the right direction towards becoming a non smoker sooner rather than later.

#TobaccoExposed, #WorldNoTobaccoDay, #HypnotherapytoQuitSmoking


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