New Victorian legislation around smoking

New Victorian legislation around smoking has been enforced.

Outdoor smoking areas may become a thing of the past at cafe's, restaurants and places where food is served.

1st August 2017: It was a historic day today for both smokers and non smokers alike. As a non smoker, it was the first time I could enjoy a coffee & a bite to eat outdoors at a local cafe without even thinking about having to avoid wafting smoke. If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is good for you too. Society is changing in a helpful way and you can use this to your advantage. You too will be able to enjoy these areas now. I'm told quite often by people wanting to quit that even they don't enjoy the smell of cigarettes, especially while they are eating.

In Victoria, smoking is now banned at all outdoor dining areas, when food is available for consumption.

Fines for individuals start at $155 and businesses failing to comply will face fines of up to $7773. Buffer zones will apply to shield non smokers from designated smoking areas, however many business owners have stated that they simply don't have room, and will ban smoking on their premises altogether.

Smoking rates are continuing to decline across the state. This could be linked to a combination of changes from stricter legislation including plain packaging, increased cigarette prices and a general shift in attitudes towards smoking. Changes also apply to laws and restrictions around e-cigarettes and shisha tobacco.

If you want to stop smoking and are finding it hard, give us a call on 1800 760 349 or via this Contact Us page here to talk about making this happen.

New Laws in Victoria on butting out from 1st August 2017
New Laws in Victoria on butting out apply from 1st August 2017

More information on the new legislation is here in this Victorian State Government article on the tobacco reforms. Links to articles, resources and fact sheets are included for both consumers and retailers.

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