The Subconscious Mind and Advanced Hypnotherapy / Psychotherapy with Bryan Perry

An advanced workshop for practitioners.

Bryan Perry brings this seminar to Melbourne.
Bryan Perry brings this seminar to Melbourne.

When: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th June 2017. 

“This is the most advanced workshop yet. You will learn about hypnosis at the deepest level, how to communicate with the neonate subconscious, how to turn genes on or off and activate stem cells, amongst other gems.”- Bryan Perry

Hypnotherapy is an altered state of the conscious mind that hypnotherapist uses to alleviate pain, compulsive behaviors, low self-esteem, speech issues, depression and anxiety, to name a few common applications.

Bryan finds the combination of hypnotherapy with other modalities enhances and supports more traditional medical and psychological interventions. Patients report feeling calm and relaxed following the hypnotherapy session, regardless of the patient concern.


This valuable seminar will demonstrate step by step strategies you can use to adjust disabling life patterns like those listed below. Bryan will begin by explaining how you can discover the origins of unnecessary or destructive behavior patterns and ineffective beliefs and attitudes.

Bryan has detailed his work in his book, A Handbook of  Hypnotherapy.



Bryan Perry has been practicing as a Hypnotherapist since 1952 and has served more than 50,000 patients. At the request of many appreciative professionals who benefited from his work, Bryan began to teach others these valuable skills in 1979. Bryan collaborates with Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Educators and Scientists across Australia and the world.

Collaborating with Human Resource Center, Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic and Make Changes, Bryan brings this valuable seminar to Melbourne.

Human Resource Centre
Melbourne Hypnotherapy Clinic
Make Changes

For more Information Contact:  Leanne on 0401 872 388 or at [email protected]

What to bring with you?   Notepad and pen.

Includes: Morning and afternoon tea and a light lunch each day.

Time: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Fee: $200  Student or Concession Rate $100. Phone to enquire.

Registration and Payment:  Register, pay and get your tickets here via this link.

Alternatively, Payment can be made by direct deposit to

‘Human Resource Centre’ at BSB 065 163      Acct 1023 6710

Email copy of bank receipt and below details to [email protected].

If paying by direct deposit, please email copy of bank receipt and these details to confirm your registration: Full name, Mobile, Company Name, Occupation, Age

Vegetarian? – or dietary requirements? Let us know in advance, as lunch is provided.

Where:  Held at South Melbourne Town Hall, Community Hub. 208 Bank St South Melbourne 3205

Note: If travelling to attend the event, please ensure accommodation and or flights booked are changeable where possible. From time to time, changes may need to occur due to unforseen circumstances. If that were to happen, we want that to be as hassle free as possible for you. 

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