Hypnosis for Anxiety in Melbourne

it just works
hypnosis for anxiety, it's been used for decades

Clinical hypnosis is a great way to address anxiety issues and disorders.  There is a very solid track record for treating anxiety with hypnosis, it's been used for decades but for some reason it remains less widely known than medication.

But hypnosis is a great long term treatment solution for anxiety, not only is it drug free but it also helps you to learn some great tools that you can implement in your everyday life to make you more resiliant to the stresses of the modern crazy lives that we all seem to lead.

We use a combination of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Clinical Hypnotherapy because we find that when we team up these 2 great methods the results are better.  Quite simply this combination drastically increases our success rates, so it just makes sense.

These 2 powerful techniques work something like this:

How NLP helps us to reduce your anxiety

This is really a big set of tools that you can use on a daily basis to help you identify stresses and immediately change your behaviour, thoughts and even your feelings so that you can be in situations that would normally give you anxiety without any of the bad feelings.

How Hypnosis helps us to reduce your anxiety

Hypnosis does a stack of things, but we use it primarily to help you embed healthy behaviours into your life.  It can help you to remain focused, empowered and relaxed in your path to conquering your anxiety.  It's also a great way to allow you to let go of old baggage so that you can start fresh.

So ultimately both NLP and hypnotherapy are great for treating Anxiety, but if you have 2 great tools why choose when you can do both!

Melbourne based treatment locations

We operate out of 2 locations in Melbourne's West, both within easy reach and with flexible appointment times.  It's time to stop getting crushed under the weight of stress!

Sunshine Clinic

Sunshine Primary Health
111 Durham Rd, Sunshine VIC 3020
Call 1800 760 249 or email [email protected] for appointments

Caroline Springs Clinic

Modern Medical Centre
1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs
Call 1800 760 249 or email [email protected] for appointments

Related Tags: Hypnotherapy Melbourne

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