The Heal Your Marriage 5-Pack

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Heal Your Marriage Pack – Get some help making your marriage work with these powerful, gentle hypnosis sessions


Heal Your Marriage Pack – Get some help making your marriage work with these powerful, gentle hypnosis sessions

‘For better or worse, good times and bad'.

That's how many couples traditionally make their vows to each other at the start of their marriage, but these promises often prove hard to keep.

No matter if you're newly wed or have many years together, learning how to love your partner in turbulent times can make your marriage successful and keep you from the divorce court.

Invest in your marriage, invest in your future

Many studies have shown that married men live longer than never married, divorced or widowed men (although disappointingly there doesn't seem to be any similar evidence for women!).

A caring, skilled gardener knows that an untended garden eventually grows wild or withers away, and relationships need the same nurturing, pruning and attention in order for them to thrive and grow.

Five Sessions Pack

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The Heal Your Marriage Pack contains these 5 carefully selected hypnosis sessions:

  • Put the Spark Back – rediscover hypnotically what makes your relationship special, and experience those powerful feelings of attraction again.
  • Love Your Imperfect Partner – see your partner for who they are, (and who you love), and not their foibles, imperfections or annoying habits.
  • Save Your Marriage – take some restorative time out, and learn how to ride the emotional storm in a relationship and move into calmer times
  • Emotional Intimacy – relax with sharing your feelings by first un-learning unhelpful emotional patterns of behaviour.
  • I'm OK, You're OK – understand the ‘Transactional Analysis' parent, child and adult modes of communicating and update your personal script for the better.

How to use the Heal Your Marriage Pack

Reading the titles above, you can probably immediately see which hypnosis sessions most apply to you, and which might be more useful for your partner. We would suggest that you start by using the sessions you feel most appropriate for yourself until you experience positive change in these areas.

Then move on to using the other sessions, and perhaps seeing if your partner will join you in listening to titles such as Emotional Intimacy. The simple act of working on your marriage together in this way can bring you closer.

The calm, clear space that hypnosis provides will give you the ability to think calmly and objectively about your marriage, and usually, people are able to see options and ideas that they hadn't before.

Download your pack now. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

Heal Your Marriage Pack has been purchased by 387 customers.

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