Diminish Alcohol Abuse Pack

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Diminish Alcohol Abuse Pack – Bolster your supervised medical alcohol withdrawal with this robust hypnosis pack and get back in control of your life.


Diminish Alcohol Abuse Pack – Bolster your supervised medical alcohol withdrawal with this robust hypnosis pack and get back in control of your life.

No-one sets out to become a champion drinker.  But with many cultures and lifestyles revolving around alcohol, excessive drinking can easily become a major problem in your life, disrupting your health, wealth and happiness.

Whether it's binge drinking or regular, everyday drinking too much, abusing alcohol eventually starts to take its toll.

How alcohol creeps into your life

You got a promotion!  You got dumped!  You had a new baby!  You graduated! You got married! You got a new job! You got fired!

These common life events are all ‘good reasons' to have a drink aren't they?  Sure, if you're in charge of deciding how to celebrate or commiserate but when your body is addicted to alcohol, you've got one choice, and that's to drink. To excess. No matter the reason or the repercussions.

Hypnosis is a powerful weapon to defend yourself with

Hypnosis can help you make profound changes in your life, and bring you back to where you can make conscious choices about drinking.

Five Sessions Pack

Save $24.80 off the full price with our pack discount.

The Diminish Alcohol Abuse Pack contains these 5 carefully selected sessions:

  • Diminish Alcohol Abuse – radically change your relationship with alcohol and find comfort and relief in more effective ways.
  • Stay Off Alcohol – strenghten your resolve to keep you free from alcohol and its destructive effects
  • Improve Impulse Control – if you're always at the beck and call of emotionally charged impulses, you're like a ship in a storm with no-one at the helm.  Master your impulses and reap the rewards of long term advantages.
  • Ease Alcohol Withdrawal – deep relaxation speeds healing, boosts your immune system and improves sleep, and this hypnosis session helps your body normalise and ease alcohol withdrawal symptoms
  • Have Fun without Alcohol – forget about alcohol and get the buzz without the hangover.
First things first, get yourself professional, medical help and advice on how to quit alcohol.  (This product is not intended to replace professional, medical help).  There are also many free charities, resources and groups to help you build a new relationship with alcohol.
With this Diminish Alcohol Abuse hyponsis pack, you will work with your mind and body to create a new, alcohol free reality.  All you do is slip on your headphones, settle somewhere comfortable, listen and relax.  Hypnosis works at the unconscious level, where your deepest decisions are made and the conscious ‘you' can't get in the way.
Start with the core session ‘Diminish Alcohol Abuse' and then bring ‘Ease Alcohol Withdrawal' into your play list.  Bring the other titles into rotation and listen to them as often as you feel, however we suggest at least one hypnosis session a day to get the maximum benefit.
Make the resolution to stop alcohol abuse, and download Diminish Alcohol Abuse now.

Diminish Alcohol Abuse Pack has been purchased by 481 customers.

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