Give Your Partner Space and Let Your Relationship Bloom

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Give Your Partner Space – Use hypnosis to learn how to be more relaxed and less anxious about your relationship


Give Your Partner Space – Use hypnosis to learn how to be more relaxed and less anxious about your relationship

Has your partner complained that you're not giving them enough space for themselves?

Are you worried that spending time apart might threaten your relationship?

We've all been seduced by the fairy-tale of love. Two people meet. They're meant for each other. They can think of nothing more wonderful than spending the rest of their lives together.

But just how much of your life – how many minutes and hours and days – should you actually spend in each other's company, doing things together? How much companionship can you have before it becomes smothering or stifling?

How long is a piece of string?

How much should two people be together?

Of course, there is no right answer to that question. Every couple is different, and they all live in different circumstances. Some couples have more in common with each other, some have more widely different interests.

Both partners may have different beliefs about what a relationship ‘ought' to be like. Previous bad experiences may have made one or both partners feel quite insecure about relationships in general.

In a way, all relationships are a series of negotiations, because no two individuals, however much they love each other, are going to want exactly the same things all the time. Concessions and compromises have to be made if the relationship is to survive.

But if one partner feels they have to do all the conceding and compromising, the health of the relationship is at risk, no matter how smooth things look on the outside.

Why finding a way to give each other space is important

Where one partner wants, or demands, more ‘togetherness' than the other partner feels comfortable with, negotiating what kind of ‘space' to give each other becomes crucial.

This can be particularly hard for the partner who is looking for more inseparability rather than less, perhaps because they are worried about abandonment. But if it is not addressed, the risk is that there will eventually be total separation. Which is not what you want.

What to do?

How hypnosis can help you overcome insecurity in relationship

Give Your Partner Space is an audio hypnosis session developed by psychologists with long experience in relationship counseling.

Using the gentle power of hypnosis, this session will enable you to relax profoundly and engage your own unconscious resources to help you find the right answer for your personal situation.

As you listen repeatedly to your session, you'll notice that

  • your stress and anxiety about the situation markedly decrease
  • you feel calmer and stronger in yourself
  • you begin to develop a new perspective
  • you make time to discuss hopes and expectations with your partner
  • you nurture your own individual development as part of your care for the relationship
  • your relationship begins to reap the benefits of your new approach

Download Give Your Partner Space now and enjoy deeper relationships. You can listen on your computer or device or via our free app which you can access when you have completed your purchase.

Give Your Partner Space has been purchased by 650 customers.

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