Hypnotherapy is the use of Hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, it uses hypnosis to put you into a more receptive state so that you are able to make the changes to your life that you want.
• The use of hypnotic states for healing has perhaps been a part of every culture throughout time.
• The beginnings and evidence of Hypnosis dates back over 5000 years.
• Ancient Healing Centres in Egypt and Sleep Temples in Greece where physical and emotional healing took place, used processes similar to those used today.
• 1829 the name “Hypnosis” was first used, based on the Greek word “Sleep”, as it often looks like sleep.
• The first recorded instance of using Hypnosis for anesthesia in surgery was in 1829 in Paris, by Dr Jules Cloquet.
• In the 1840’s and 1850’s scientists began experimenting and researching with the processes, developing new styles, approaches and techniques, and also proving it's effectiveness.
Hypnosis was approved as a therapeutic practice by the American Medical Association in 1958 and by the British Medical Association in 1955. In Great Britain, hypnosis is part of the national health care system. The AMA (Australian Medical Association) has made several statements regarding hypnotherapy that include:
“We have seen the evolution of the acceptance of modalities such as acupuncture, hypnosis and meditation through clinical research …”

Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, is one of the most studied modes of behavioural change.
As with all professions the skill of the practitioner as well as the specific tools and techniques used, has a huge impact on the efficacy of the treatment and this is why we use fully qualified and experienced professionals. Using these highly qualified practitioners, FAQ ABOUT US is how we can offer a guarantee of support (for our Quit Smoking clients) and have such a high rate of success overall.
Below are answers to some of the more common questions we are asked.
What if I can't be hypnotised?
Generally speaking, almost anyone is hypnotisable. That is people with an average IQ or higher, and no severe mental disorders. You must also be willing and able to follow basic instructions. You must engage in the process. If you come to us for support with an issue, that's usually not a problem.
Therefore, virtually anyone can achieve successful results with hypnotherapy.
How will I know if I am hypnotised?
Most people don't feel much different from their usual waking state. Some feel heavy or relaxed, others feel a sort of lightness. What people do notice is a change in their patterns and behaviours after the session.
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Hypnotherapy is totally safe. You are fully aware and in control the whole time. If you chose to end the session if you wanted to, you could do that. Hypnosis is not a sleep state at all, and no, you can't get “stuck” in hypnosis. You can’t be made to do something against your values and your will. Hypnotherapy is safe and relaxing and more than that, an enjoyable experience. Most people are keen to get home and tell family and friends what it was like for them.
How does hypnotherapy work?
We have different parts of our mind. The conscious and the unconscious parts. We make decisions, think, and act using our conscious mind. For example, when we look around a room, the things we see are in our consciousness. This is the part we think is in control, but it's not. Our unconscious mind is the bigger part of our mind that controls our habits once they are learned. This is why it often can be hard to change them. In the natural state of hypnosis, we can communicate directly and easily with the unconscious mind.
That's why it can be so quick to change habits developed over a lifetime. Often it's surprisingly easy.
Can we provide supporting evidence?
There is lot's of evidence supporting hypnotherapy and it's effectiveness. Old studies and new are plentiful. There are many online resources that help to fully display the vast amounts of evidence.
Some of the studies and research I mention in the above videos are these:
This one shows 5 studies on how effective hypnotherapy is for quitting smoking: https://makechanges.com.au/5-studies-showing-how-effective-hypnotherapy-is-for-quitting-smoking/
A study here shows how hypnotherapy was effective in helping with anxiety and stress: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/06/200615184150.htm
This link shows a literature review of the evidence base on the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in the treatment of pain control: https://www.pacfa.org.au/common/Uploaded%20files/PCFA/Documents/Research/Literature-review-of-the-evidence-base-for-the-effectiveness-of-hypnotherapy.pdf
These show a small amount of the ever growing evidence that is readily available.
Hopefully you found that helpful. If you have any other related questions, feel free to get in touch using this contact page here or call 1800 760 249 today and we'd be happy to have a chat and discuss your query.
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