Stop Secret Eating and Regain Control of Your Life

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Secret Eating – Move away from unhealthy compulsions with the help of hypnosis


Secret Eating – Move away from unhealthy compulsions with the help of hypnosis

Do you wait until you're alone to gorge on food?

Are you looking for a way to break this habit?

Secret eating habits can be hard to move past.

Some people use food as a way of asserting control over their lives, while others seek comfort in eating.

Whatever the reason, secret eating tends to carry with it feelings of shame and regret.

And as the compulsive cycle continues, it has a negative effect on the quality of your life.

Living a secret life

Secret eaters often become highly skilled at hiding their eating; only eating a little when around others, waiting for that time later on when you're alone and can stuff yourself with unhealthy food.

That way, you maintain a façade of health.

But it's not easy to hide for long. Because secretly gorging yourself on food can affect your life in many different ways, such as:

  • Weight gain
  • Ill health
  • Low self esteem
  • A general dissatisfaction with life
  • A desire to be alone more and more often.

The pitfalls of willpower

While it is possible to break unhealthy eating habits through willpower alone, it can be very challenging.

This is because secret eating is a compulsion that arises from a type of trance state, stemming from an unconscious pattern.

And so simply trying to stop it with your conscious mind might not be quite enough: it's not a rational, conscious, behaviour.

But the good news is there is a way to overcome this compulsion.

Break unconscious patterns with hypnosis

Stop Secret Eating is an audio hypnosis session that will help you become free from those old compulsive behaviours.

As you relax and listen repeatedly to your download, you'll notice that you:

  • Enjoy eating with others
  • Feel more confident in yourself
  • Can enjoy an enhanced quality of life
  • Feel so much healthier
  • Have more energy
  • Feel better about yourself in general.

Download Stop Secret Eating and shed the weight of compulsion.

Secret Eating has been purchased by 85 customers.

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