We are now ALSO at Modern Medical Centre, 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs

Awesome!  We are now at a second location!

We are pleased to announce that we are now operating from a second location. The lovely staff at Modern Medical Clinic have welcomed us warmly. Wendy will be at the Caroline Springs clinic on alternate Fridays. The location is close for many of our clients so this should be handy.

modern medical

The address is: Modern Medical Centre, 1042 Western Highway, Caroline Springs. Plenty of parking is available. It's next door to Masters Home improvement.

We are still also operating from Sunshine Primary Health at 111 Durham Road in Sunshine. Both locations can be accessed by public transport.

Sessions are by appointment only. Continue to book in directly by phoning 1800 760 249, or via our website contact page.

If you have been thinking about how, or if we might be able to help you with something, give us a call for a no obligation chat.

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