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The Best Way of Dealing with the Gaslighter – Develop the mental tools to protect yourself from manipulators

The Backstabber – Overcome the emotional pain of backstabbing and develop strategies to effectively deal with the situation
Handling Aggressive Behavior Mindset – How hypnosis can give you the resources to stay cool while you diffuse volatile situations
Energy Vampire Shield – Protect yourself against the vampire’s draining effects with hypnosis
Passive Aggressive – Reinforce your emotional armor and enhance your communication skills with hypnosis
The Leech – Hypnosis can help you fortify your defenses against all forms of emotional blackmail
The Narcissist – Dealing with narcissistic behavior in others is much easier with the help of hypnosis
Verbal Self Defense – Hypnosis can help you develop advanced skills to stay cool under fire and deflect verbal assaults
The Know-It-All – A hypnosis audio with tips and strategies to deal constructively with know it alls
The Moody Type – Get some hypnotic help dealing with people who change personality from one day to the next
The Shy Person – Hypnosis can help you adopt the right emotional approach to draw out shy people
The Guilt Tripper – Prepare yourself emotionally to step out of their manipulative clutches using hypnosis
The Gossip – Prepare emotionally to deal with the two-faced, backstabbing gossip using hypnosis
The Control Freak – Stay calm and confident by preparing yourself with hypnosis
The Negative Critic – Prepare yourself to withstand their negativity with hypnosis
The Angry Bully – Stay calm and collected – prepare yourself with hypnosis