Sometimes I say no to helping someone Quit Smoking

When I get a call about helping someone quit smoking, they’re sometimes a little surprised. We have a chat about what’s been going on for them, and I generally ask a few questions. How much do they smoke? What are the reasons they want to stop? Have they tried to quit before? If they have, we might chat about the various methods they’ve used. It’s really common for people to have tried cold turkey a few times. Maybe they've tried patches, tablets, gum etc, with varying success, and often with unpleasant side effects. Sometimes they’ve quit for a few days or longer. Something happens and they’re back to smoking in no time. Usually after just one smoke.

Firstly, you have to be ready, and be quitting for yourself. It’s great to have the support of others such as your family, or even your doctor. But, you have to be ready to quit for you! If you aren’t, you are going to find it hard to be successful in the longer term. Sometimes I just have to say no, not now. Call me in 2 or even 6 months, or when you’re ready to be a non smoker for good, for you.

I also explain that it's not always a good idea, for me to be helping someone quit smoking straight away. Sometimes there are a bunch of things going on. It just might not be the right time for them to stop smoking.

Why I would say No to helping someone Quit Smoking
Why I would say No to helping someone Quit Smoking?

If things like anxiety or depression are a big factor (now or in the past), or if someone has been through trauma or distressing events and these haven’t been dealt with effectively, there’s work to be done first.

Would you take a crutch away from someone with a broken leg? ….. neither would I.

If smoking is a coping mechanism that you use to deal with other stuff, what would you do without the smoking to deal with it? I wouldn’t want you to take up another habit in place of smoking. Habits such as drinking excessive alcohol, eating sugary foods or way too much junk food, or even just being plain old cranky at everyone around you. No one wants that. Those are things that shouldn’t happen when you stop smoking, and if they do that’s a sure sign that there’s more work to be done.

I help people to deal with many types of unconscious habits

both actions (like quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and other habits), and other mental health issues, like anxiety and depression. Through various methods and processes I use, such as The Richards Trauma Process, for example, there is great and very effective help for stress, anxiety, depression and even PTSD available. Too many people stay stuck in these states, for way too long, often many years, just because they don’t know what help is around.

Depending on what is going on, and if those things are a factor in your life now, it can be the best idea, that before you to stop smoking for good, you deal with those other things first. Sometimes it’s quick and can be dealt with in the same session as when you quit smoking. Sometimes we deal with those things beforehand. Through our chats together and forms I ask you to complete, we usually work this out before you even come in for your first session.

So, often over a period of just 2-4 weeks, and in a totally empowering way, these things can be resolved effectively – and for good. That’s life changing help – quick! We can't change the past, but we can change how it effects you.

I help people to quit smoking in just one session most often, but we’re not all the same. Not everyone has the same background, the same strategies and supports, and that’s OK.

Once anything else necessary is dealt with, either in the one quit smoking session or beforehand, you might find there just isn’t a need to smoke anymore.

Contact us here or call 1800 760 249 to see if it's the right time for you to quit smoking now.

Related Tags: Quit Smoking Hypnosis Melbourne | Hypnosis Melbourne


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