Merry Christmas and time for R&R!

Wishing you a very merry, safe & fun filled Christmas from myself, my old puppy Jedd & Make Changes!

I will be taking a break from the clinic and will be back on 13th Jan. I'll be working in the background and catching up on a few things over the next 2 weeks, then away for some R&R the following week & probably out of reception range!         

If your call or message isn't answered during this time you’ll know why & I'll will get back to you asap on my return. ☎️

It's a great time of year to be taking some time out in nature – my dog Jedd agrees with me!

Hopefully you’ll have a place away or even better close to home like I do (this is my local creek) & the time to go for lots of lovely walks in nature somewhere pretty!

Self care is always important, and this is a good time for that. Many of my clients will know I'm a big fan of grounding and I talk about it often. The simplest way to ground is to get yourself out in nature & take your shoes off. This is a great time of year to do that and hopefully the weather will stay nice enough to help us to do it more often. There have been many studies to back up the science behind grounding and the benefits to your health, both physical and mental.

So take yourself out in your backyard for a cuppa and simply sit on the grass, water the garden in your bare feet, go for a walk on a beach or in the bush somewhere…. anywhere that takes your fancy. The more often you do it the better. Studies show that 10-15 minutes of grounding a day is great for the many health benefits that come with it, but any length of time helps.

Smile Jedd!
Smile Jedd!

If you'd like to make contact about getting some support for an issue, call 1800 760 249 or email through this link here and I will get back to you asap on my return.

Take care over the Christmas and new year period and I look forward to connecting with you in 2020!


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